Digital Transformation Journey Begins With People!

“Change should never start with technology, as businesses look to change it should all be focused on one thing, the “hearts and minds” of the organisation.”

Digital Transformation is sweeping through various industry sectors, as businesses try to use technological advancements to stay competitive. However, many businesses striving for Digital change fail to realise that the Transformation also requires an investment in the PEOPLE using it.

Primarily, Digital Transformation aims to improve the customer experience, but employees must buy into the plan for change and must want to adapt to new technology and ways of working for a transformation to be successful and without major hiccups.

Whenever a brand-new technology is brought in, there’s a learning curve. Companies have to start with investment in people around the technology—and once they’re comfortable, we’ll see a lot broader adoption. Of course, companies that take the journey first will get the maximum value from it.

Ultimately, it doesn’t matter how good the technology is – investment will be wasted if people don’t embrace the change.

Digital Transformation Is Preceded By People Transformation 

The evolution of skills and mindsets in employees and culture in the company. Employee evolution drives digital transformation and this is the true harbinger of innovation. This is achieved by a clear people strategy aided by technology.

Transformation Leaders Should Lead By Example,

Embracing emerging digital platforms to connect with consumers. Next, direct interaction with consumers helps the enterprise understand the market on a first-hand basis, by wearing the shoes of the customer. L Activities like social media listing, journey mapping, and user research are all direct points of connection with customers, which helps the enterprise empathize with their needs better. Smart assessments and actionable insights, in turn, drive robust sales. Tools like live dashboard, frequent customer reports, etc. help them keep a close eye on everything from page load times to social media sentiment  and react when needed.

Employee Experience

It plays a huge part in the delivery of customer value. It starts with knowing your employees better. Some companies draw on design thinking methodologies to rethink their employees’ experience. Understanding the motivators of employees — through tools such as journey maps, persona development, and user research — helps companies transform employee experiences for more productive results.

Help Employees Embrace Agility

It is the key to success when undertaking Digital Transformations. Today’s technologies and consumer needs change faster than traditional business road maps can deliver, and employees need to be ready and empowered to move at this pace. The best way to drive this shift is to establish a set of tangible day-to-day activities and behaviors that enable employees to act quickly.

Finally, re-skilling is a big part of managing the workforce. Digital up-skilling initiatives to improve skills in areas like SEO, digital media allocation, and analytics prepare employees for uncertain times.

Final Thoughts

All this adds up to business agility, which is a precursor to digital transformation. Digital Transformation is not just about technology. The way a company communicates with its employees, organizes them, and re-skills them will play a fundamental role in its ability to take advantage of the new paradigm of the consumer products landscape. So if you’re thinking of Digitally Transforming your enterprise, think people first.


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