Trending Fullstack Frameworks

“Writing the first 90 percent of a computer program takes 90 percent of the time. The remaining ten percent also takes 90 percent of the time and the final touches also take 90 percent of the time. That 10 percent is your framework.”

For developers who enjoy doing different tasks and learning new skills, Fullstack development is an interesting career path. As a Fullstack developer, you’ll be rewarded with creativity, flexibility, and a sense of accomplishment when your work is done well.

Choosing a proper framework is not a piece of cake, though. Adopting the best fullstack framework to build a feature-rich application or website is important. Considering multiple factors that suit your needs, we’ve picked the best eight fullstack development frameworks for you.


Meteor is an open-source web framework based on JavaScript. It can use its template engine, Blaze, or integrate it with React and Angular for client-end operations. It automatically sends data to clients without expressly writing codes for it.

Meteor has taken over multiple other environments like FathomDB, and Galaxy. These provide solutions with Meteor and can be integrated with other web development tools.

The integrated JavaScript stack ensures less coding and more features. It can be used to develop various web platforms, iOS, Android, and laptops. In addition, it is useful for building web chat platforms and interactive websites.


Developers can create desktops using CSS, HTML, and JS via the Electron framework. Moreover, one can develop cross-platform apps with this Git product, which is quite famous for app development. 

Discord and Skype are two noteworthy products developed using Electron. Moreover, their team releases updates regularly to fix bugs and improve user experience. 


Maintained by a specialized team of Google, this is a full-stack framework based on JS written in TypeScript. Similar to Java, developers can write testable code using Angular. 

It is the best option if you do not want to opt for the React framework as a full-stack developer. To begin with the framework, it would be best to learn MongoDB, MEAN stack, Express.js, and Angular. 


Used by Linkedin, Uber, Pinterest, and several others, Flask is a python-based micro-framework which does not require particular libraries and tools. It supports extensions that add application features and allows the full-stack developer to build a solid foundation for web applications. 

If you are a Python developer, consider learning the Flask framework to know full-stack technologies. 


Written in Java, the framework provides a consistent method of managing Java objects. It makes the process of creating microservices with Spring Framework faster and easier. Wondering how? With these functionalities like autoconfiguration and an opinionated approach to configuration.

It is developed by the pivotal team and has the impressive ability to create standalone applications. The primary objective of this framework is to reduce overall development time.


Laravel is a robust open-source web MVC framework for PHP. It provides convenient features like a modular packaging system with a dependency manager, database access, and other application deployment and maintenance tools.


Another lightweight, open-source Java framework is Hibernate. Companies like IBM and Dell have used the Hibernate framework for their web applications. It is an ORM (Object Relational Mapping) tool designed primarily to simplify the development of Java applications.

Its expertise lies in implementing JPA (Java Persistence API) for data persistence. If relational databases are your forte, then Hibernate is the best framework for you to work with.


Symfony is written in PHP and has a wide range of features, making it a good choice for developers who want to create robust web applications. In addition, Symfony comes with a set of reusable components that can be used to speed up development time.

Moreover, Symfony offers an extendable architecture, allowing developers to add new features and functionality as needed. Symfony is also well-documented, making it easy to get started. As a result, Symfony is an excellent choice for full-stack developers looking for an extensible framework with robust features.

Rails (Ruby on Rails)

Also known as Ruby on Rails, Rails is a back-end web app framework. It is based on the language Ruby. It has an MVC architecture. It additionally facilitates the usage of HTML, JS, and CSS to create a user interface. It emphasises on Convention over Configuration (CoC) and Don’t Repeat Yourself (DRY) patterns. It was initially released in 2005. 


Django is a high-level Python web framework that enables rapid development of secure and maintainable websites. Built by experienced developers, Django takes care of much of the hassle of web development, so you can focus on writing your app without needing to reinvent the wheel.

Final Thoughts

A framework is nothing more than an embodiment of some patterns, integration of some technologies, and source code to help make our web applications easier to build and maintain.

If you are an individual developer, the best is to spend some time with as many frameworks you might think would work for you. If you are a business manager or architect trying to make a decision, remember that a feature list is just one aspect of a decision, and sometimes more is not better.

Challenge yourself or your team to take a holistic look at a framework, but first, start with a list of what is important to you and your organization, especially those things that transcend technical features.


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