Chip To Cloud IoT

“Chip-to-Cloud IoT looks like a promising way to .build a more secure, useful and decentralized technology for all.”

Shannon Flynn

Most Internet of Things (IoT) products are not secure by design. In fact, they’re a primary reason for the recent explosion in cybercrime. One report showed 2.9 billion cyber incidents in the first half of 2019. The researchers specifically called out the proliferation of the  IoT along with Windows Server Message Block (SMB), as a leading cause. Decentralized technology through chip-to-cloud IoT may be the answer to these problems.

IoT introduces almost countless opportunities for improvement at the consumer and commercial technology levels. Personal uses include smart homes and smart cars. IoT provides overwatch across numerous cyber-physical systems in industrial settings and facilitates data mobility like never before.

Rampant Cybersecurity concerns surrounding IoT are leading some technologists to call for a different kind of architecture. Chip-to-cloud IoT looks like a promising way to build a more secure, useful, and decentralized technology for all.

Current Security Challenges With IoT Devices

IoT devices are everywhere right now transforming our homes, offices, and entire cities into smart environments. We’ve been seeing an increasing demand for IoT devices for years now, and there’s no slowing down to it.

Soon, every device will be connected, and it is going to be quite a spectacular time for all of us. To achieve this, the devices need to be truly smart, and most importantly, secure. Any company producing or using smart devices has to make security its top priority because IoT devices have become a favorite target for hackers. You’ve probably heard of their numerous exploits on the news.

The hackers have already proven their ability to breach the security systems of IoT devices creating concerning and even life-threatening situations. For instance, we’ve already seen hackers spying on people in their homes using smart devices, which made heads turn towards the problem of IoT security.

The other problem here is the increasing number of IoT edge nodes or end-user devices generating and collecting immense amounts of data. IoT edge nodes like laptops, smartphones, or industrial robots used by the employees allow for a safer and more controlled working environment, but these devices might be vulnerable to cyber-attacks.

Considering how the IoT edge nodes are connected to the data centers, skilled hackers can access your data centers by laying their hands on any of your edge devices. That is exactly why chip-to-cloud security is the next big thing in the IoT domain and why smart device manufacturers are willing to invest billions in this technology.

What is Chip-to-Cloud

Two years ago Alibaba announced its plans to invest over $28 billion in Cloud infrastructure to address the growing demand for business software during the pandemic. Connected devices have become vital to rapidly transforming enterprises, whether on-site or off-site, and the deployment of cloud-based enterprise computing plays a significant part in the development of connectivity technologies. Of course, the benefits of the well-designed connectivity between the devices can be nullified by the cyber-threats. You cannot have profit before you have security.

So, what is Chip-to-Cloud security, and how will it change the IoT in the nearest future? Well, if you are trying to manufacture a secure and reliable smart device, the first thing you need to take care of is a trusty hardware – the chipset. A goal here is to select hardware that does not only comply with its intended use specifications but also offers solid security characteristics.

The chip must provide a set of advanced security features like a cryptography accelerator, a hardware random number generator, and reliable RAM, just to name a few. Naturally, when it comes to IoT devices or any devices connected to the Internet for that matter, trusted software architecture is a must-have. It prevents hackers from spoofing your identity or cloning your device for any malicious purpose.

At this point, a secure connection to the Cloud becomes paramount, and you need to provision your devices with the right credentials, adhere to the cloud service enrollment guidelines, and make sure the security processes are not being compromised.

With that out of the way, the next step is proper device monitoring and management. You must be able to monitor the health and behavior of your devices as well as detect any attempts at tampering with their integrity.

Basically, Chip-to-Cloud is a technology that enables creating secure-by-design devices using energy efficient microchips that stay connected to the cloud at all times.

With the rapid growth in the number of connected devices, engineers must be sure they are completely secure. Industries and even entire economies rely on the security of IoT devices, which is exactly why chip-to-cloud technology is the next big thing in that domain.

Features Of Chip-to-Cloud IoT

Onboard security and computational power are two of the most significant shortcomings of IoT devices. In addition to being more powerful and safe than previous models, IoT devices built with chip-to-cloud security are also more energy-efficient.

Here are the features that make the Chip-to-Cloud technology so effective:

  • An onboard cryptography engine
  • Generator of random numbers
  • Sufficient random-access memory (RAM)

How Chip-to-Cloud Works

Reliable software design is essential for IoT devices and other internet-connected devices. It keeps hackers from stealing your identification or duplicating your device for their ulterior motives. Chip-to-Cloud delivers on all fronts. 

These chipset characteristics confer an extra security advantage. Each IoT node is cryptographically unique, making it nearly impossible for a hacker to impersonate it and access the more extensive corporate network to which it is connected. Chip-to-Cloud speeds things up by eliminating the need for traffic delays between the logic program and the edge nodes that are ready to take action on the information.

The Chip-to-Cloud architecture of the internet-of-things is secure by design. New tools are being developed to provide bespoke and older equipment with data mobility capabilities, just like the current IoT. 

Nevertheless, Chip-to-Cloud chipsets are always connected to the cloud. As a result, the availability of assets and the speed of digital communication across nodes, departments and facilities will be significantly improved. Chip-to-Cloud IoT is a significant step forward in the evolution of the IoT toward Web3. Experts predict IoT device customers and value producers will benefit more from these design principles than centralized providers.

What’s Next

What we all need to understand is that the profit-before-security approach will not work here. Leaving our smart devices exposed to attacks is not an option, and that is exactly why so many tech giants worldwide invest billions into secure-by-design devices. The early adopters will gain a huge edge over the competitors. Providing the users with full ownership of device security is the main goal here, and the companies with the deepest pockets have already made their steps in that direction.

Tech giants like Microsoft and Amazon have been working on Chip-to-Cloud solutions for quite some time, making the security of the hardware and safeguarding the users from the most meticulous attacks a top priority. Developing processor-based security solutions is crucial for staying vigilant against the cyber-threats, and here at Intersog, we too explore the potential of bringing the security to the chip level and enhancing the security capabilities of the hardware via the means of Chip-to-Cloud technology.

The safety of IoT devices is essential to the operation of many businesses—and even entire economies. Engineers are under increasing pressure to ensure that the rapidly expanding number of interconnected devices is safe. This is why Chip-to-Cloud technology is poised to become the next big thing in this field.

Final Thoughts

With billions of smart devices connected to each other, the vulnerability of the entire ecosystem might produce disastrous consequences, and simply acknowledging this fact is not enough. The chip-to-cloud technology might just prove to be the right solution that can provide smart device producers with a chance to guarantee safety to their users.

Chip-to-Cloud IoT is a significant step forward in the evolution of the IoT toward Web3. Experts predict IoT device customers and value producers will benefit more from these design principles than centralized providers.


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