What’s Next After Cloud Computing – Edge?

“Now, some companies are looking to replace Cloud Computing with something called Sky, Edge, or Hybrid Computing.”

In the past few years, cloud-based solutions have become a legitimate option for businesses in many different enterprises when it comes to handling essential technology supports. And now that more and more online applications are being offered as a service these days, there’s no reason why you shouldn’t consider using both some of them And considerable application-assisted solutions at your workplace due to how convenient they can be.

Cloud Computing Services have covered multiple duties, we experienced cloud gaming, cloud storage, cloud database, and cloud networking among others. Where does cloud computing will go next and what is the next step?

There are 3 main directions Cloud Computing could develop: 

Sky Computing 

As the name suggests, Sky Computing is a layer above Cloud platforms — and its goal is to enable interoperability between clouds. If you think that sounds like the current industry buzzword, Multicloud, you’re on the right track.

Although Cloud Computing did indeed fundamentally change the IT industry and how applications were built and deployed over the 2010s, there is one glaring problem in the eyes of some researchers — Cloud Computing did not become a public utility, like the internet or the web. In 2021, there isn’t one single underlying Cloud platform with a set of open standards that anyone can use. Instead, Cloud Computing has evolved into a series of proprietary platforms that are largely incompatible with each other: Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud, and others. Researchers lays out a vision for “a more commoditized version of cloud computing, which we call the “Sky Computing.”

Sky Computing is made up of three layers: compatibility, intercloud, and peering.

The compatibility layer will enable an application developer to easily pick up and move their app from (for example) AWS to Google Cloud. Where multicloud comes in is with the intercloud layer, as it will allow applications to run across multiple cloud providers — depending on user needs.

The intercloud layer is going one level up [from the compatibility layer]. Ideally, with the intercloud layer you specify the preferences for your job — say I want to minimize costs, or minimize time, or I need to process this data locally — and the intercloud layer will decide where to run your job to satisfy these preferences.

The peering layer allows clouds to have agreements with each other, about how to exchange services.

Sky Computing promises a lot; more power and control, and more flexibility. So, will it become the norm?

Edge Computing 

Edge Computing is a subset of Cloud Computing that focuses on leveraging the strengths of the network and devices at the edge of the network. This can include things like big data and advanced analytics, which can’t be handled well in traditional centralized clouds. Edge computing can help reduce latency and improve performance for these types of applications.

Edge computing is a type of computing that takes place on the ‘edges’ of networks, such as the Internet of Things and mobile networks. This means that edge computing can be used to power applications and systems that need quick response times, low latency, and large scale. Edge computing can also be used to offload processing from centralized data stores, which can free up resources for more important tasks.

Edge Computing is already being used by several companies and is predicted to become the dominant type of computing in the next decade.

Hybrid Computing 

A Hybrid Cloud is when an application is operated using a combination of different technologies. Hybrid computing solutions are ever-growing in popularity because these days, almost no one relies entirely on just one single cloud solution for everything. At the heart of a Hybrid Cloud, the configuration is the ability for two independent computing environments to work in harmony and communicate with each other. 

A Hybrid Cloud incorporates elements that provide a balance between centralized, private, and public computing power. Eventually, this particular approach creates a highly versatile environment with many advantages including cost-cutting measures, and more productive planning/scheduling.

Final Thoughts

With the use of Cloud Computing, the world will be more interconnected than we ever have been before. The fact that there is data stored online tells us it’s always accessible, no matter where in the world you are. This implies we have the potential to understand more than ever before.


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