Top 5 Issues For Overusing Microservices

“Microservices should only be seriously considered after evaluating the alternative paths.”

The overuse of new architectural styles is common within the software industry, and the excitement surrounding Microservices is nothing new. According to a recent Gartner report, the number of mentions of “Microservices Architecture” decreased by 42% between January 2019 and September 2020. The trend is an indicator of a growing disillusionment with Microservices Architecture.

1. Microservices Architecture Is Complex

Given its focus on implementing functionality as a set of distributed components that can be independently developed, tested, deployed, scaled, and updated, Microservices require a complex design.

2. Overuse Of New Architectural Styles

The scale of thousands of API requests per minute from one service to other, relaying the same data to multiple Microservices at the same time for real time analysis would create a very bad architecture and huge load on the system itself.

3. Microservices Are Not the Same as Containers

Most teams deploy Microservices in containers, but you aren’t truly using a Microservices Architecture unless you also employ design patterns that ensure the independence of the components.

4. Microservices Will Not Save You Money.

Microservices architecture typically costs more to implement than a monolithic architecture. Monolithic solutions are simple to manage and are cost-effective, yet they miss key objectives of microservices, including modularity, availability, and a scalable design.

5. Microservices Should Not Be Shared

Independence is key to achieving the agility goals of a Microservice Architecture. Breaking down a big mud ball into self-contained services is the key concept behind Microservice Architecture. Independent services must be integrated using known patterns like API-led architecture.

Final Thoughts

A Microservices Architecture can enable better flexibility and performance, but it can also severely complicate fundamental tasks, such as service discovery, testing, network management and monitoring. As enterprises add more Microservices to applications, they need to understand how a distributed architecture will change day-to-day application management processes.


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